четверг, 29 октября 2009 г.

a minute away from snowing

a minute away from snowing
aseaofquotes:<br />“Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey<br />”

I think one of the best days is when you finally accept that there are people who are going to hate you but far more who love you.

‎Love will never be certain, but after collecting thousands of stories, I’m willing to call this a fact: A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all men, women, and children. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. When these needs are not met, we don’t function as we were meant to. We break. We fall apart. We grow numb. We ache. We hurt others. We get sick. There are certainly other causes of illness, numbness, and hurt, but the absence of love and belonging will always lead to suffering.

All this talk about summer love and strawberry lips and golden skin and no one ever talks about loving when the sky is dark grey, about loving when the trees won’t stop shaking and the wind moans your name.

So let me tell you about loving when the streets are cold, when you wake to crisp morning air and tangled bodies. Let me tell you about the fog that escapes your mouth before you kiss; how it moves like ghosts dancing to ballads between open lips. Let me tell you about rose-red cheeks and rose-red noses and how good his chest feels when you’re trying to keep warm.

About rain pelting hard against your windshield and your heart pelting harder against your chest when his hands touch you. About how warm bodies feel when everything around you is cold. About how your bones shake like the trees and the powerlines and sweaters have never felt as good as they do when they smell just like him.

All this talk about summer love and no one ever talks about loving when you’re the only lit matches in a city made of ice.

peone:<br />“Rent the Runway: Artist in Residence | Alice Gao<br />”

atelierordinaire:<br />“ Aurélie Lécuyer x Atelier ordinaire, © 2015<br />”

formelle:<br />“ Iceland<br />”

You draw constellations

in my freckles.

I mean you ask me

not to fall in love with you

and then you go write poems

with your tongue

and draw constellations

in my freckles.

birdasaurus:<br />“ Anne Claire Rohe<br />”

Original article and pictures take 78.media.tumblr.com site

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